About the Fandom Fantasies

Our History

The Fandom Fantasies began as a brainchild of Cleveland performers Nichole Fox, Jo Malley, and Issa Vybe while studying burlesque together in 2019. Over the course of the pandemic, the three identified the gaps in the local burlesque industry and sought to create a space where everyone felt welcome and equal to their peers, and felt comfortable displaying their art. With their histories as cosplayers and lovers of all things geeky, they decided to create Ohio’s only nerdlesque troupe – The Fandom Fantasies!

In November of 2021, the three produced their first show as The Fandom Fantasies – a 1970’s show at Good Night John Boy in Cleveland, Ohio.  With an audience of only 26, they made a significant mark on the local burlesque community. They continued producing, slowly growing their reputation as professional and organized producers with a focus on diversity and inclusion. As of 2024, our production team has grown, we have attended festivals and conventions across the country, won awards, and have had show attendances in the hundreds. We continue to grow and learn as time goes by, with goals to develop more educational resources and opportunities for our community.