Meet Our Producers

Meet Our Producers

Nichole Fox

Nichole Fox is Cleveland's friskiest vixen! Originally a nationally recognized cosplayer, Nichole began her performing journey in 2019. She is most known for her classic-meets-quirky nerdlesque style. Nichole offers a plethora of industry knowledge on their TikTok account, where she strives to help new and seasoned performers navigate the industry and learn a few tips and tricks along the way.

Lola Loveletter

Lola Lovetter is the Economical Endomorphic Ecdysiast! Lola began her burlesque career in 2021 under the guidance of local Cleveland legend, Lakota Shekhar. Lola's history in cosplay is evident in the expertly crafted costumes she is known for. Lola also independently serves as a content creator, educating the community at large about quality costume creation on a budget.

Heather and Lace

Heather and Lace puts the "cleave" in Cleveland! Heather is a professionally trained costumer with over a decade of experience in stage performance. They have worked and produced for troupes all over the Midwest, and have brought their expertly designed chaotic stylings to stages across the nation. Incorporating cheeky humor and clever costuming that pushes the boundaries of what should be physically possible is one of their hallmarks.

Jo Malley

Jo Malley is the cave troll with the body rolls! Jo's history with burlesque began in 2011 when they wrote their first-year undergraduate thesis on the art, finally joining the stage informally in 2017 and officially in 2019. They are most well known for their humorous adaptations of "under-appreciated" characters such as Bowser, King Kong, and Remy the Rat.